Post date: Dec 04, 2013 8:19:40 AM

Come Celebrate Andres Bonifacio’s Birthday November 30, 1863. We celebrated our official Holiday. A day when one of our greatest leader was born. Andres Bonifacio y de Castro. Bonifacio Day! A holiday where we pay tribute to a National Hero, a leader of great value and wisdom.

He is a born fighter. And called the Father of Philippine Revolution. Revolted and fought for our freedom from the Spanish Colonial Rule over Philippines. And become the Leader of Revolutionary groups. La Liga Filipina and the Katipunan, a secret society, who fought for the Philippine Independence. He was never forgotten from his bravery, wisdom and true Patriotism, a very proud Filipino.

If Andres Bonifacio were alive today, how do you think he would celebrate his 150th birthday? Perhaps, with modesty; but we are thinking otherwise. What can be the most encompassing tribute to the birth anniversary of the Supremo than a one-day event that revives the opulence of the 19th century and focuses on culture, art, fashion, history, poem, and music?

To commemorate and honor one of our most beloved national heroes, the Bo. Central Elementary School (BCES) prepares birthday program bash with a bit of “historical twist” held November 29, 2013, at 8 in the morning. And to salute his undying contributions to our sovereignty and independence, the BCES, which is led by Mr. Ramil R. Cubales, our school head, with his co-teachers, and the students and parents of the students held its celebration on the stage of the Bo. Central Elementary School. The event was blessed with a prayer led by Mrs. Amalia D. Mananquil and followed by National Anthem and Dugong Balangueno with beat of Mrs. Shalie S. Celestial. To continued message of Mrs. Alita E. Dayrit. At the celebration, the pupils had shown their prepared presentations such as dancing, singing and reciting of poems.

At the behalf of the convocation, it was a success, hoping that the school, as well as the pupils and parents of this school will establish to themselves-heart and body-to make simple ways of showing nationalism and patriotism to everyday living for the sake of our beloved country.