September Convocation '13

Post date: Nov 26, 2013 10:31:15 AM

Filipino race are known for being family-oriented people and inhibits strong family tight among its members. Since the school serves as the pupils second home, here in Bo. Central Elementary school celebrates annual Family Day during the month of September. Family Day celebration in Bo. Central Elementary School showcases fun activities, parlor games for both parents, teachers and pupils, which further strengthen the camaraderie of family members and teachers as well.

With their colourful balloons, banners and warm smiles on their faces, pupils of Bo. Central, together with their respective advisers and parents, lined up for a parade along the streets of Brgy. Central to mark the beginning of the festive celebration.

The program kicked off at the Brgy Covered Court with a prayer ( AVP of “One God”), which was immediately followed by the singing of National Anthem and Balanga City Hymn conducted by Mrs. Amalia D. Mananquil, Kindergarten Teacher.

Mr. Ramil R. Cubales, school principal, welcomed the crowd with his inspiring message for the parents and pupils of Bo. Central Elementary school. Mr. Cubales highlighted the essence of the parents’ untiring support for every school undertakings.

Mr. Gerardo Garcia, school’s GPTA President ,also shared his warm greetings for the parents and pupils. He further stressed that the success of the schools doesn’t rely on the faculty staff alone but more importantly with the support of stakeholders, especially the parents.