United Nations Celebration

Post date: May 19, 2011 11:46:4 AM

Bo. CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL supports the aim of the United Nations to bring all nations of the world together to work for peace and development through a friendly competition entitled Search for Mr. and Ms. UN 2010, wherein each grade level including pre-elementary had a pair of contestant that represents a member of United Nations.

The said competition was spearheaded by the grade six teachers who thought not only of bringing the spirit of camaraderie but also the welfare of the school and most importantly its pupils. Each pair of contestants sold tickets to be the highest pointer. And alls well that ends well, the very hardworking representative of Grade Six (female Candidate) Jaivee Dominguez, and the gorgeous and equally hardworking representative of Grade Two (male Candidate) Lorenzo Soriano emerged as this year’s Mr. and Ms. UN.

As culminating activity the said winners were crowned in the Coronation Day but before the much-awaited crowning of the two, a parade of all the contestants was held in the barangay’s locality as part of the celebration. A special award, “ Best in National Costume” was bagged by the deserving contestants representing Mr. and Ms. Mexico in the person of Mikhael Rafael Esmeriz Grade III Contestant and Dazzely Devis Pre-Elem Contestant.

The funds generated by the said activity were used in installing our pupil’s drinking area which caters their immediate need. In addition to that, our stage fence was also in the list to ensure safety of our pupils.

We know that UN believes in the saying: “United we stand. Divided we fall,” because we surely do!”